Stifter af Dare to Care
Mød Line Friis
Kvinden bag Dare to Care
Huden er et spejl, hvor alting kan ses.
Kost, træning, søvn. En stormende forelskelse og en stressende deadline. Alt påvirker vores hud. Fordi alt er forbundet.
Da jeg startede Dare to Care tilbage i 2013 var det med en drøm om at skabe en klink med en holistisk tilgang til skønhed, og det er er fortsat det blik, vi kigger på verden med fra kanten af Søerne.
Vi ser de små detaljer og de store linjer. Sammenhænge og helheder. Vi forstår din hud ud fra den historie og de livsomstændigheder, den spejler, og vi hjælper den til at komme i balance, naturligt, nænsomt og med respekt.
I den proces, går vi aldrig på kompromis med vores faglighed. De behandlinger, du får hos Dare to Care, får du ingen andre steder, og vi ved af erfaring, at vi kan hjælpe alle med at få en smuk hud. I en branche, hvor de store løfter står i kø, kan det klinge lidt hult, men den risiko tør vi godt løbe. Vi går nemlig heller aldrig på kompromis med vores ærlighed.
Loving Line
The values behind Dare to Care
Vi deler gavmildt og ærligt ud af vores viden, og giver dig redskaberne og den indsigt, du skal bruge for selv at blive ekspert i din egen hud.
Vi hjælper dig med at få en sund og stærk hud med et godt immunforsvar og en krop i balance. Det er vejen til en smuk hud, der stråler.
Der er et bevidst og bæredygtigt valg i alt, hvad vi gør. Fra de skønhedsprodukter, vi sælger i vores butik, til de behandlinger, vi tilbyder i klinikken.
At the lakes on Østerbro I started in 2015 clinic Dare to Care, which is a holistic beauty clinic. We offer tailor-made facials, competent professional advice and award-winning signature treatments. Out to the road we have our beautiful organic shop where we sell my favorite products from the beauty industry. In the backyard we have large, lovely treatment rooms with direct access to our beloved little oasis – and our customers can clearly feel the tranquillity that rests over the place.
My dream has been to create a beauty clinic where all the best facial practitioners work under the same roof. I am proud of the uncompromising professionalism they all deliver every single day. We are passionate about what we do, so I do not hesitate for a second when I say that at Dare to Care we give our customers a treatment you won't find anywhere else in Denmark.
They write about us
Line Friis er en af Danmarks mest efterspurgte holistiske hudeksperter og hendes rejse i skønhedsverdenen vidner om høj faglighed og en iver efter at ville udmærke sig indenfor branchen. Med gentagende nomineringer og 2 priser ved Danish Beauty Award.
Line started clinic Dare to Care on Østerbro in 2015 and is responsible for the overall development behind the clinic.
Today, Dare to Care is one of the fastest growing holistic skincare companies in Copenhagen, where Line has created an exclusive niche beauty store and webshop with a careful selection of skincare brands without compromising sustainability, impact and luxury. Dare to Care currently has 9 employees.
In addition to the Clinic, Line does workshops, courses and retreats both in Denmark and abroad.
2023-2026 Udvikling af Spa og design hos Bassin 7, Aarhus
2023 Udvikling af signaturbehandlinger for det svenske cult brand L:A. Bruket
2023 Line vinder Danish Beauty Award for “Årets danske klinik/salon/butik”
2023 Nomineret i Danish Beauty Awards for “Årets skønhedsbehandling”
2019 Nominated with 2 treatments in the Danish Beauty Award and nominated as "Beauty Shop/Clinic of the Year"
2018 Line develops 6 signature treatments for the Danish organic cosmetics brand "Karmameju"
2017 and 2018 Line are part of the judging panel at the Danish Beauty Award
2016 Nominated in Danish Beauty Award for "Best Facial of the Year"
2016 course in organ massage at Deedee Smidt Pedersen.
2016 course in aromatherapy with Nicole Perez
2015 Line develops the technical and practical courses for the new beautician training "Intuitive Skin Practitioner" by Tanja Eskildsen.
In 2014, Dare to Care started the clinic on Østerbro.
2014 Yoga learning at Living Yolates.
2014 Line wins Danish Beauty Award for "Best Facial of the Year"
2013 Developer of Rudolph Care's two signature treatments
2013 Reiki Master
2013 Metamedicine training at Lars Mygind
2012 Facial acupuncture at Sally Walker
2012 Silence and Meditation Course Part 2 at Art of living
2011 Ayurvedic course at Art of Living.
2010 Respiratory Course at The Intelligent Body
2010 Meditations, breathing course II at Art of Living
2009 Yoga, meditation and breathing courses at Art of Living
2008 Japanese Lifting Therapist
2007 Facial reflexology training at Lone Sørensen
2007 4 weeks coaching and communication course
2006 Kranio-Sacral therapy training
2006 Reiki Healing Part 1 and Part 2
2004 Line graduated as a cosmetologist from CIDESCO specializing in Lymphatic Drainage and Kranio Sakral Therapy and with an internship at Akunimori spa.
Line Friis is Denmark's leading holistic skin expert and her journey in the beauty world is testament to high professionalism and a eagerness to excel in the industry. With repeated nominations and wins award at the Danish Beauty Award.
Line started clinic Dare to Care on Østerbro in 2015 and is responsible for the overall development behind the clinic.
Today, Dare to Care is one of the fastest growing holistic skincare companies in Copenhagen, where Line has created an exclusive niche beauty store and webshop with a careful selection of skincare brands without compromising sustainability, impact and luxury. Dare to Care currently has 9 employees.
In addition to the Clinic, Line does workshops, courses and retreats both in Denmark and abroad.
2023-2026 Udvikling af Spa og design hos Bassin 7, Aarhus
2023 Udvikling af signaturbehandlinger for det svenske cult brand L:A. Bruket
2023 Line vinder Danish Beauty Award for “Årets danske klinik/salon/butik”
2023 Nomineret i Danish Beauty Awards for “Årets skønhedsbehandling”
2019 Nominated with 2 treatments in the Danish Beauty Award and nominated as "Beauty Shop/Clinic of the Year"
2018 Line develops 6 signature treatments for the Danish organic cosmetics brand "Karmameju"
2017 and 2018 Line are part of the judging panel at the Danish Beauty Award
2016 Nominated in Danish Beauty Award for "Best Facial of the Year"
2016 course in organ massage at Deedee Smidt Pedersen.
2016 course in aromatherapy with Nicole Perez
2015 Line develops the technical and practical courses for the new beautician training "Intuitive Skin Practitioner" by Tanja Eskildsen.
In 2014, Dare to Care started the clinic on Østerbro.
2014 Yoga learning at Living Yolates.
2014 Line wins Danish Beauty Award for "Best Facial of the Year"
2013 Developer of Rudolph Care's two signature treatments
2013 Reiki Master
2013 Metamedicine training at Lars Mygind
2012 Facial acupuncture at Sally Walker
2012 Silence and Meditation Course Part 2 at Art of living
2011 Ayurvedic course at Art of Living.
2010 Respiratory Course at The Intelligent Body
2010 Meditations, breathing course II at Art of Living
2009 Yoga, meditation and breathing courses at Art of Living
2008 Japanese Lifting Therapist
2007 Facial reflexology training at Lone Sørensen
2007 4 weeks coaching and communication course
2006 Kranio-Sacral therapy training
2006 Reiki Healing Part 1 and Part 2
2004 Line graduated as a cosmetologist from CIDESCO specializing in Lymphatic Drainage and Kranio Sakral Therapy and with an internship at Akunimori spa.
Kurser og arrangementer
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Kurser og arrangementer
Jeg tilbyder kurser, uddannelse og foredrag til private og firma-arrangementer.
Skriv til og jeg vender tilbage med priser og tilbud.